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Hello fellow Community Members,


i am an User from Germany who loves to play GTA V.

I was using MVGA since Month.

Unfortunately i had to reinstall everything on my PC (that includes redownloading everything)

Now I wanted to download the MVGA again. Besides the low download rate, which i am okey with.

Everytime i have reached 90-95 %(84.0 MB out of 89.7 exactly) of the Download, i get a Network Error. So i cannot download the file anymore. When I downloaded the file for the First time, there were these Errors too. But luckely it worked at some point.

My question is, is there anything i can do to get this file ? I read the Description for MVGA, so no publishing on others sites than this one here. So what can i do be able to get the Mod ?


Have a nice day, 


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1 hour ago, Darkmyre said:

I've made some tweaks to the backend, try again and let me know if you still have issues. This has been reported often but staff aren't able to reproduce the issue, which makes it challenging to fix.

Hello again, thanks for your awnser. 


I testet it. It Was working now.


Another fact is, I also testet it with my cell phone.

While downloading it with my PC, I got an avarage of 200 kb/s, on the phone I have over 2 or more MB/s..thats weird. 


Again Thank you for your awnser and work. 


Have a nice day. 

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On 9/17/2019 at 2:49 PM, DoMaxiHa said:

Hello fellow Community Members,

i am an User from Germany who loves to play GTA V.

I was using MVGA since Month.

Unfortunately i had to reinstall everything on my PC (that includes redownloading everything)

Now I wanted to download the MVGA again. Besides the low download rate, which i am okey with.

Everytime i have reached 90-95 %(84.0 MB out of 89.7 exactly) of the Download, i get a Network Error. So i cannot download the file anymore. When I downloaded the file for the First time, there were these Errors too. But luckely it worked at some point.

My question is, is there anything i can do to get this file ? I read the Description for MVGA, so no publishing on others sites than this one here. So what can i do be able to get the Mod ?

Have a nice day, 


Everything is downloading normally with no problems! It's either something with your network or they already fixed the problem.

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On 6/24/2022 at 12:12 AM, Pokitren said:

Everything is downloading normally with no problems! It's either something with your network or they already fixed the problem.

This thread is quite old and the problem(s) were sorted a long time ago.

I am going to lock the thread now as it's no longer considered relevant.

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