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Community Answers

  1. Paramedic calls were split out into their own plugin some time ago:
  2. It's been quite a while since any of my plugins were updated, so they're probably not working currently. I'm hoping to get them updated and working fully sometime this month.
  3. Yep, it's available here: (though there's a decent chance it needs updating for the latest LSPDFR, I haven't played in over a year)
  4. Can you share your RagePluginHook.log from when it crashes?
  5. It should be, I haven't had any reports of it failing and I'm not aware of any changes that would break it, but I haven't played LSPDFR in a long time so can't say for sure
  6. Since LSPDFR 0.4, this was removed and the callouts are now filtered according to your current character's agency in LSPDFR.
  7. Traffic stops are just via the normal LSPDFR keybinds. The other things you mentioned are part of Patrol Toolkit, not this plugin. The non-callout features in Agency Callouts should all be accessible via the menu, which from memory defaults to CTRL+END.
  8. Ah thank you! I've been checking the RPH site waiting for the update there.
  9. I can look into this once RPH is updated for the latest GTA update, although as far as I know Cayo Perico was only for GTA Online?
  10. There doesn't appear to be anything in the latest version that would cause issues, so it should just work. If you're getting any errors, a log file would be helpful. Unfortunately though, I won't be able to update my plugins until RPH is updated for the latest GTA update.
  11. That log file is exactly the right one Looks like one of the xml files the plugin uses didn't install correctly. You should have a number of XML files in GTA V\Plugins\DarkmyreAPI\ From the log, it seems the ems.xml file is missing. I've attached it here, simply save it to the DarkmyreAPI folder and it should fix the issue. ems.xml
  12. Thanks for the reports guys. It's well past time for me to go through every callout and make sure everything is working correctly in current versions of things. May take a bit of time to get this done, as my GTA hasn't worked properly in a couple of updates.
  13. Unfortunately not, Callout names are set within the code. I'll need to update the plugin for the callout to work again, will try and get that done in the next couple days.
  14. Paramedic mode has been separated into its own plugin to make future development easier:
  15. Nothing can be done with this file, it needs to be the RagePluginHook.log file from your main GTA folder right after you get a crash.
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