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  6. how to install vehicle mod packs on lspdfr as i dont know how to 


  7. Anyone know why the download stops at like 78MB and cancels itself?
  8. Paramedic calls were split out into their own plugin some time ago:
  9. There is no option to switch to Paramedic Mode in the menu
  10. Does anyone know what happened to the NZ LSPDFR vehicles or does anyone have them?
  11. ozbloke


    followed their instructions in the read me file and they were east to follow. entered the game once installed and it is amazing. great work
  12. Version 1.0.0


    english text bellow GER: WICHTIG!!! Lese dir auf jeden fall die ReadMe in meinem PaintJob und das DLC gründlich durch! Hinweis: die Bilder vom File sind veraltet, die Flugzeuge sind mittrerweile komplett überarbeitet worden was die abnstände zwischen den Logos, Icosn und texten angeht. ENG: IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to read the ReadMe in my PaintJob and the DLC thoroughly! A notice: the images from the file are outdated, the aircraft have now been completely revised as far as the distances between the logos, icons and texts are concerned. INFO: Included in the pack are: D-ALFA (Old Lufthansa Livery) D-ALFF (New Lufthansa Livery) D-ALFG (Flying 100% CO2 neutral powered by DB SCHENKER Livery) D-ALFI (Cargo human care Livery) D-ALFJ (I'm a natural beauty. Waiting for my Lufthansa Cargo make up. Livery) D-ALFK (Flying into the future CO2-neutral Power-to-Liquid Sustainable Aviation Fuel by KUEHNE+NAGEL Livery)
  13. not letting me get it it keep cancelling 

  14. How can I change so that when I press the tab my car is limited to 50
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